Translating Complex Research into Tangible Practice Models

ACJI works with community and justice innovators to turn their passion into best practices. We equip community and justice leaders with research supported tools and strategies to support the implementation of socially significant practices to ensure the results they are aiming for. 

The Organizational Pathway

Programs intended to improve outcomes for communities often start with an idea and plan... but what is it that actually happens in that process between idea and execution?

The Community Implementation Essentials Academy provides a lens into understanding how to operationalize and measure your program’s core activities using the 5 Dynamics of Effective Implementation™ framework. We help leaders intentionally implement and measure what they are doing to become adaptive learning organizations prepared for growth. This series of tools applies the science of implementation into the growth and capacity of organizations to create alignment between people, data, organizational culture, and leadership. 

The Program Pathway

Understanding the science around what works can help community organizations innovate programs and solutions through practice-based evidence.

For decades, research has focused on developing evidence-based practices to produce better outcomes for people. Innovating for Impact™ provides the framework for community organizations to innovate without losing an evidence-based foundation. This model builds on your program strengths to develop a consistent approach, measure what parts of your program have the most impact on the community you serve, and help you grow and replicate without losing fidelity to the essence of your unique model. 


Preparing for Impactful Reentry Program Implementation 

Joint Publication with the Latino Coalition for Community Leadership

For innovating programs to gain traction and funding, they must show outcomes. Having a strong foundation in research-based practices can help reentry programs do more than broker services and create lasting change in people’s lives. When community and faith-based organizations become learning organizations, and measure what they do, they can better leverage resources and funding, contribute to the body of research to advance new evidence-based practices, and tell the stories of lives they are impacting in their communities. 

Check out this article on the common features of impactful community reentry programs and recommendations for effective implementation.